You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2011.

Green globe artichoke

I live 60 miles away from Castroville, California, the self-proclaimed artichoke center of the world. Yet on Wednesday I walked into a room full of eaters who had never tasted one. I was flabbergasted. Never eaten an artichoke?

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Sweet potato fries

I like words. I get a rise out of buying two bottles of wine named with antonyms, and I relish my daily Word of the Day e-mail from Merriam-Webster. But stringing words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into complex ideas with nuances and logical organization—sometimes that just exhausts me to the bone.

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“It’s an incredible act of bravery to invite people into your home.”

— Ruth Reichl

Ruth Reichl, long-time restaurant critic for The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times and former editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine, spoke at Stanford last week. I expect this news will elicit one of two responses from you: “Shut up. She did not. I love her!” Or, “Ruth who?” For the latter camp, I confess I shared your gastronomical ignorance—until last Tuesday.

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